The Austrian Embassy, in the context of the Month of German Language presents the screening of the film “The Dreamed Ones” by Ruth Beckermann, at Technopolis 20 in Paphos, on Tuesday 14th of November 2017, at 19:30.
Technopolis 20 Cultural Centre
18 Nikolaou Nikolaidi Avenue
Pafos 8010, Cyprus
Phone: 7000 2420
Website: www.technopolis20.com
Free Entrance
The themes of love and hate are depicted in the movie The Dreamed Ones (DIE GETRÄUMTEN). Two German-language poets, Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan, who came to know each other in post-war Vienna, exchanged letters from 1948 to 1967. Their dramatic postal exchange creates the textual basis of the film. Two young actors meet in a recording studio to read the letters. The tumultuous emotions of proximity and distance, fascination and fear captivate them. However they also enjoy each other’s company, arguing, smoking, discussing their tattoos and favourite music. Yesterday’s love, todays love and tomorrows: where the lines are blurred lies the heart of the film.
In German with English subtitles
Cast: Anja Plaschg, Laurence Rupp
Austria, 2016, 89'
Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 19:30