A series of three workshops, the child and parent dyad, will have the opportunity to explore and enhance their collaboration through the use of the arts.
The everyday hustle and bustle often disrupts us from focusing on what is important. Participants will have the opportunity to take an interlude to observe one another, to think and share and to give meaning to their common experiences together. Through the use of Neil Gaiman’s story: “Instructions”, participants will aboard their own journey using play, music and art, to reach to their own conclusions regarding their relationship.
The workshops will be semi-structured and will focus on the emerging needs of the participants and thus create the necessary space for new correlations in-between the dyad and with the wider group.
14/4/2018, 11:00 - 12:30
28/4/2018, 11:00 - 12:30
12/5/2018, 11:00 - 12:30
Loukia and Michael Zampelas Art Museum
27 Arch. Makarios III Avenue
Kaimakli, Lefkosia 1020, Cyprus
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +357 22 456 099
Website: www.zampelasart.com
Participant age group: 8-10 accompanied with their parent
No previous experience with the arts is needed
Participation: 100 Euro per dyad
Due to a limited number of places, please register by April 7th.
For information & registration contact:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / +357 22 456 098.
Melissa Tsimon studied Creative Expressive Therapies at the University of Derby and completed her MA in Group and Intercultural Therapy at Goldsmiths University, London, where she was supervised by Diane Waller (president of the British Association of Art Therapy). She worked in London with the organisation “Kids Company” before moving back to Cyprus.
For the past eight years, Tsimon has been working as a Freelance Expressive-Arts Therapist, providing services at the In-patient Unit for children and adolescents in Makarios Hospital; at the Nicosia Day Center and occasionally, the Prevention and Treatment center for Eating Disorders. Parallel to this she worked at the Cyprus Red Cross Society as the ‘Psychosocial Support Program Officer’ where she set up and developed the program, trained and coordinated volunteers and designed and implemented psychosocial support activities for vulnerable groups- with an emphasis on the current Refugee Crisis.
Since May 2017, she works in her private practice with young people and their families.
From Saturday, April 14, 2018
To Saturday, May 12, 2018