Starting from 1999, Japan Today has been inviting photographers from two European Capitals of Culture to Japan each year to document peoples’ lives in different areas. The aim is to re-familiarise the Japanese with aspects of their lives which tend to be lost. By looking through the “filter” of a foreigners eye, or rather camera lens, the Japanese audience is invited to rediscover the hidden gems of their own culture as well as gaining a more global perspective. At the same time the project acquaints Europeans with Japanese Culture through photographs which go beyond stereotypical representation.
To date, 60 photographers have recorded 37 areas in Japan in an on-going annual programme with the goal to photograph all 47 regions of the country. At the end of each venture, the photographs are exhibited in museums in Japan. For 2017, the participating photographers are Ergenc Mehmet Korkmazel and Constantinos Taliotis, while the exhibition is curated by Mikiko Kikuta.
Polihoros Cultural Centre - Old Electricity Authority
8 Vladimiros Heracleous Street
Pafos 8010, Cyprus
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
From Friday, August 18, 2017 - 16:00
To Sunday, September 03, 2017 - 19:00