The performance is the result of ten years of study and exploration of Greek literary works from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, having as common denominator the idiomatic language of peripheral Hellenism, but also the outcome of advanced research into the Renaissance sources of Kornaros’ work.
Adaptation, stage direction: Michalis Pieris
Choral parts and songs: Christos Pittas
Soundtrack: Antonis Xylouris-Psarantonis
Set and props: Christos Lysiotis
Costumes: Marina Kleanthous, Christos Lysiotis
Lighting: Carolina Spyrou
Production manager, assistant director: Stamatia Laoumtzi
Song instruction: Nikolas Papageorgiou
In Greek
Markideio Theatre
27 Andrea Geroudi
Pafos 8010, Cyprus
Phone: +357 26 932 571
Ticket: 10 Euro / 5 Euro (Students/Discounted tickets)
The ticketing desk opens 30 minutes before each performance
Ticket card for all September – October events: 40 Euro
For further information and reservations:
Monday – Friday 9.30 – 13.30
Phone. +357 22 894 531 - 2
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Friday, October 12, 2018, 20:30