On Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday, from 9:30 until 18:00, once again hundreds of Easter eggs will be hidden in the labyrinth of the Botanical Park Cyherbia in Avgorou.
Egg hunt in the maze, an I-spy game for the little ones and many surprises!
CyHerbia Botanical Gardens and Maze
E311, Avgorou,
Ammochostos, Cyprus
Phone:+357 99 915 443
Open from 10:00 - 16:00
Fun for all the family.
There will be cakes, muffins, home made pizza and many other delights available in the Tea Room.
Entrance to the gardens and maze including a cup of herbal tea is 5 Euros for adults, 3 Euros for children aged 5-12.
Under 5’s free.
Participation in the Easter egg hunt and games is 2 Euros per child, including a small gift.
The gardens will be closed on Easter Sunday.
Phone: +357 99 915 443,
Website: www.cyherbia.com
Faceboom page: www.facebook.com/cyherbia
From Monday, April 17, 2017
To Tuesday, April 18, 2017