επ ι τ ε λ έ σ ε ι ς / e p i t e l e s e i s presents a selection of works by three of the most prominent sculptors of the Second Generation of Cypriot artists - Nicos Dymiotis, Dimitris Constantinou, Andreas Savvides - and next to them the sculptural experimentations of two well-known painters of the same generation - Lefteris Economou and Stass Paraskos.
Opening: Friday 20 April 2018 | 20:00
Duration: 21.04. - 19.05.2018
Opening times: Tue-Fri.: 17:00-20:00 |Sat: 10:00-12:00 & 17:00-20:00 |or by appointment
16 Ammochostou Street
Lefkosia 1016, Cyprus
Phone: +357 99 034 654
The exhibition brings together artworks by the three accomplished representatives of the 20th c. Cypriot sculptural production, mirroring the trends, perceptions and morphoplastic attitudes that shaped their work within a specific timeframe and during a certain temporality. In addition, the exhibition presents sculptural works by two significant artists of the same generation who mastered the medium of painting but used sculpture as an alternative artistic outlet - Lefteris Economou and Stass Paraskos. All selected works were produced in the loosely delimited timespan stretching from the beginning of the ‘60s to the end of the '70s.
The works selected, don’t comply with a specific theme but instead they respond to varying - although in some cases tangential - thematic circles approached and explored by the five artists. The exhibition aspires to showcase works that reflect and bring forward connections or non-connections among the multiple contradicting or overlapping approaches towards sculptural subjects, materials, scale and sculptural qualities during a decisive period in the shaping of Cypriot contemporary art. Simultaneously, an open invitation is addressed to the viewers to trace and associate influences and recurring conceptual or technical values in the contemporary Cypriot sculptural production of the past 20 years. The Greek word ε π ι τ ε λ έ σ ε ι ς alludes to the varying ways and motifs in which the form has been performed in the contemporary artistic production of Cyprus.
Furthermore the exhibition attempts a re-conceptualization of the works and of the approaches, experimentations and plastic idiom(s) that shaped the sculptural production of those five creators paving the way for the evolution of contemporary sculpture in Cyprus, emphasising its multifaceted manifestations and thus urging us to examine the geomorphology of the forms under new light within the contemporary condition.
From Friday, April 20, 2018
To Saturday, May 19, 2018