Cyprus Senior Amateur Ladies Open 2016.
Entries will be accepted from lady players who are over the age of 50, conform in all respects to the current Amateur Status Rules of the R&A and hold a current handicap under the handicap system adopted by the recognised authority controlling golf in their country.
The Championship will be decided by Stroke Play in a 2-day event over 36 holes to be played at Eléa Estate GC.
The player with the lowest gross score over 36 holes will be the Cyprus Senior Ladies Open Champion.
Eléa Estate Golf Course
Eleon Ave 1,
Pafos 8310, Cyprus
Phone: +357 26 202 004
Price/Range: International Entries: 140 Euro / CGF Members (Non Home Club): 80 Euro / Home Course Members: 35 Euro
Maximum HCP: 36.0
Cyprus Golf Federation,
Amphipoleos 21, Office B208,
2025 Lefkosia, Cyprus
Website: www.cgf.org.cy/events
From Saturday, September 24, 2016
To Sunday, September 25, 2016