Cyprus Film Days for Children and Youth presents some of the most innovative films and educational experiences for kids and youngsters.
Rialto Theatre
Andrea Drousioti 19
Platia Iroon
Lemesos 3603, Cyprus
Phone: +357 7777 7745
Website: www.rialto.com.cy
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/CFDchildren
With an exciting programme of screenings and workshops, the children's section of the Cyprus Film Days International Festival is inviting kids, teenagers, teachers and families to join in a unique cinematic experience.
The Festival showcases inspired, innovative programming for young people, with screenings of humanistic, culturally diverse, and compelling films and animations, that reveal the world in new perspectives, leaving space for the child's own imagination to develop. Alongside the screenings, the Festival is organising a series of creative film workshops delivered by film professionals.
Like the main international festival, the children and youth section is organised by theCultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Cultureand the Rialto Theatre.
Within the framework of the collaboration of the Festival with the Municipality of Lefkosia, Cyprus Film Days for Children and Youth will be organisinga series of four creative film workshops to take place at the Μunicipal Multi-purpose Centre of Lefkosia,on the weekend of the 8th and 9th April 2017, from 9a.m. until 4p.m..(Nikiforou Foka Ave. 40, 1016 Lefkosia, adjacent to Ammochoctos Gate). All the workshops are free of charge and participants will be admitted on a first come firstserved basis.
To participate, please contact Phani Hadjiphani on +357 99 498 756 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The following workshops will be organised:
1. Animation: Basics of animation & stop motion filmmaking will be taught by Constantinos Syrimis and Stavros Christophorou. Participants will learn the theory behind animation and practice it by creating a stop motion film with the help of their tutors.
Dates: 8 & 9th April / 8 participants / Ages: 8-14 / /Language ofworkshop: Greek
2. Acting for Film: Professional actress Alexia Paraskeva will be presenting an acting for film workshop with acting exercises. On the second day of the workshop, all the participants will act in a short film in collaboration with the participants of the "Silent Cinema" workshop.
Dates: 8th April (theory and acting exercises) & 9th April (filming) / 8 participants / Ages: 8-16 / Language of workshop: Greek
3. 360 VR: The future of filmmaking in Virtual Reality, a workshop taught by director Andreas Kyriacou, who will introduce the participants in this new storytelling medium and help them shoot a 360 degree VR video.Dates: 9th April | 8 participants / Ages: 12-18 / Language of workshop: Greek
4. Silent Cinema:Francoise Arnould will be delivering a short film workshop focusing on silent movie era techniques. Participants will prepare and shoot a short film in this style.Dates: 8th April (theory, brainstorming and script) & 9th April (filming) / 8 participants (bilingual) / Ages: 10-16 / Language of workshop: English
Within the framework of the Festival, young audiences will have the chance to watch the following films:
Morning Screenings for Primary and Elementary Schools, 9:30 a.m., Pantheon Cinema, Lefkosia
Celestial Camel,Directed by:Yuriy Feting, Russia,27 AprilShot among traditional homesteads on the desert steppes of the southern region of Kalmykia, this is a children’s fairytale that grows out of local myths but ends up as a universal and surprisingly mature take on family responsibility, mortality and magic.
Crown Prince, Directed by: Karel Janák, Czech Republic, 2 MayA story of two princes, one princess and magic potion. A witty and thrilling fairy-tale building on classical baseline, yet very modern in its approach, full of changes and surprising humor.
Blue bicycle, Directed by: Ümit Köreken,Turkey,3 May12-year-old Ali lives an austere life in the Anatolian countryside. He’s saving up his hard-earned money for his big dream: a brand-new, blue bicycle.
Off Line, Directed by: Florian Schnell, Germany,4 May. In this turbulent action comedy, champion gamer Jan has to fight for his digital identity, winning back his real life as well.
Morning screening for Primary Schools,28 April, 9:30a.m., Rialto Theatre (Lemesos)Going to School, Directed by: Frederik Meldal Nørgaard, Denmark6-year-old Villads is an ordinary boy preparing for his next big childhood step – his first day at school. Through common everyday events Villads faces his youthful challenges with vivid imagination and unspoiled logic.
Afternoon screening of the film Blue Bicycle,on Saturday, the29th April at Rialto Theatre, and on the 5th May at Zena Palace Cinema. Both screenings commence at 6p.m..Blue bicycle, Directed by: Ümit Köreken,Turkey,3 May12-year-old Ali lives an austere life in the Anatolian countryside. He’s saving up his hard-earned money for his big dream: a brand-new, blue bicycle.
The artistic directors of CyprusFilm Days for Children and Youthare director - producer Andreas Kyriacou, and director - producer David Hands.
The 15th Cyprus Film Days International Festival 2017, will be taking place from the 27th April until the 6th May 2017, at Rialto Theatre in Lemesos and Zena Palace Cinema, in Lefkosia.
From Saturday, April 08, 2017
To Friday, May 05, 2017