We are glad to announce the 1st official WCA speedcubing competition in Cyprus hosted by Pioneer Educational Centre and Russian Cultural Centre, Lefkosia.
Speedcubing (also known as speedsolving) is the activity of solving a variety of twisty puzzles, the most famous being the Rubik's Cube, as quickly as possible.
Parents and kids are welcome! Take part in free cube solving masterclasses during the competition!
This competition is open to everyone. Spectators and competitors may attend for FREE.
Registration will be done through the WCA website. Once you have submitted your registration, it will be manually approved by the orginization team.
Registration form: www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/CyprusCubeFest2017/register
Competitors must register online by September 22th .
Russian Cultural Centre
16 Alassias Street
Lefkosia 1075, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 761 607
Competition events:
- Rubik's Cube (single national record: 15.40 by Alexis Malekos)
- 2x2x2 Cube
- 4x4x4 Cube
- 3x3x3 One-Handed
- Pyraminx
Please share with friends who may be interested!
Partners & sponsors:
- Nekki
- Pioneer Educational Centre
- Russian Cultural Centre
- World Cube Association
- QiYi Toys
Media sponsors:
- Cyprus Moms
- RuCy.com.cy
- CyHacker
This competition is an entirely volunteer run effort. Please contact event co-ordinator Shamil Magomedov (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you would like to sponsor us or make a donation to support this event.
Saturday, September 23, 2017, 10:00 - 20:00