A concert by four energetic and highly promising musicians who represent modern Cypriot music production. Yiannis Koutis started as a soloist and has found his own personal style with traceable influences from Arabic and Byzantine chants. Alkis Agathokleous has a modern approach to playing the ney – a Middle Eastern long flute, possibly one of the oldest instruments still in use. Influenced by jazz and Sufi traditions, Agathokleous harmoniously interacts with fellow musicians Nikolas Tryphonos and Rodos Panagiotou creating a unique sound with their very particular rhythm. Original and traditional music creates a colourful kaleidoscope showcasing the richness of Cypriot music and the particular character of the Mediterranean music.
Yiannis Koutis: artistic director, oud, fretless guitar, vocals. Alkis Agathokleous: ney. Nikolas Tryphonos: contrabass. Rodos Panagiotou: percussion instruments.
Kato Vrisi,
Geroskipou, Pafos, Cyprus
Cost: 10 Euro
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
Friday, May 26, 2017, 20:00 - 23:00