After a winter of many changes and a lot of hard work, CyHerbia is now ready to reopen its gates!
Cyherbia will reopen on Saturday the 4th of March.
Opening times: daily from 9 till 5.
As of the 1st of May and throughout the summer we will be open daily from 9 till 7.
Slowly the plants are starting to wake up to the spring temperatures. The woodland looks absolutely spectacular this time of year, adorned with a bright green and yellow carpet of wild flowers among the trees. There are many edible wild plants growing this time of year too!
CyHerbia, E311,
Avgorou, Ammochostos area, Cyprus
Phone: +357 99 915443
Website: www.cyherbia.com
Events in CyHerbia 2017
1st Festival Herbs & Donkeys
On the 25th and 26th of March Cyherbia Botanical Park and Golden Donkeys Farm are holding their first joint festival Herbs & Donkeys! Last September the two parks won an award for their green and sustainable cooperation, which sparked off the idea to carry on the collaboration by hosting this event together. The festival will be held on the premises of golden Donkeys Farm in Skarinou, from 10 am till 6 pm. During these two days you can taste various herbal teas and learn about their health benefits, taste herb infused wines, grape products and baked goods with herbs, you can learn about the benefits of donkey milk and have a taste of it, as well as see a variety of locally produced traditional health products at various stalls. There will be a treasure hunt for children, storytelling, and a baking workshop with herbs. Musician Lefteris Moschovias will provide an original musical not to the event, by making and playing music on unconventional instruments, such as carrots, pebbles and other natural and recycled objects. Don't miss this unique event! Entrance 4 euros for adults and 2 euros for children. Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Christina Apostolou Foundation.
Easter Monday and Tuesday
Lastly, a few dates for your diary: Easter Monday and Tuesday, April 17th & 18th we will have our annual Easter egg hunt and games for all the family.
3rd annual Fairy Folk Festival
Saturday the 29th & Sunday the 30th of April we will host the 3rd annual Fairy Folk Festival, a celebration of Fantasy for all ages which will stir the imagination.
From Saturday, March 25, 2017
To Sunday, April 30, 2017