Educational program for children aged 6-12 years old.
Today, people use modern forms of technology such as email to talk to one another, especially to those who live far away in another city or country. In the past however, people used to exchange hand written letters and postcards to send their news and to find out about the people closest to them in return.
Wanting to revive that more tactile method of communication, we invite you to make your own post card and send it to somebody in one of the Cyprus Post’s characteristic mail boxes located just outside the Museum, after having of course first placed the correct postage stamp in the top right hand corner!
Loukia and Michael Zampelas Art Museum
27 Arch. Makarios III Avenue
Lefkosia 1020, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 456 099
Website: www.zampelasart.com
Partcipation Fee: 10 Euro
Due to limited availability, please book your place in advance.
For information & registration: +357 22 456 098
Saturday, April 22, 2017