In July 2016 Simon Pruciak and Alexandra Reddaway started their one year, round-the-world by motorbike journey. The journey started in Brazil, South America, and traveled 45 000 km across 40 countries and 4 continents. Ιn July 2017 the couple successfully completed a full circumnavigation of the planet creating a vast archive of photographic and cinematic material. Selected material will be presented at the upcoming exhibition.
Loukia and Michael Zampelas Art Museum
27 Arch. Makarios III Avenue
Kaimakli, Lefkosia 1020, Cyprus
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +357 22 456 099
Website: zampelasart.com
This one year long Journey was also a research project. With support from the University for the Creative Arts (UK) the objective is to explore common territories and boundaries of contemporary visual arts and geography through the crossing of the frontiers of diverse cultural contexts to establish a discussion on both the differences and commonalities of territories in a cultural and physical landscape.
The journey was mapped along modern and historic trade routes. Over the centuries control of the trade routes has proved a far more profitable venture than simple possession of the sources of raw materials. The existence and flourishing of trade routes has been dependent on a secure environment for the conduct of trade. Examining them, therefore, can tell one much about the interactions between trading regions, and of the factors, which have led to economic expansion or to the contrary: economic contraction and political collapse. The work explores the surfaces of the trade routes and travelers’ journey along those.
Opening Times: Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 - 13:00, 15:00 - 18:00
Private View: 30 March 2018, 19:00
Artist Talk: 30 March 2018, 19:00
From Friday, March 30, 2018
To Saturday, April 21, 2018