"Christmas Story" - A show for young and old!
"Christmas Story" is pretty much a well known story and also very popular. Ebenezer Scrooge is a stingy, miserable and grumpy old man who does not feel compassion for anyone. He does not care about anybody, he just wants to save money. Above all, however, he hates Christmas and all those celebrations . A Christmas Eve, however, a ghost visits him , his dead, old business partner Jaiko Marley and three spirits. The spirit of Past, Present, and Future, who in their own way, make him realize that the most important things in life are not money but love, compassion and human presence ...
Theatro Ena
4 Athinas Avenue
Lefkosia 1021, Cyprus
Website: www.theatroena.com.cy
* The show is suitable for children over 6 years of age.
Ordinary Performances:
From November 17th every Friday and Saturday at 20:30 and every Sunday at 15:00 & 18:00.
Ticket prices for theater performances:
15 Euro / 12 Euro - Reduced for Pensioners, Students, Students (Gymnasium and Lyceum), Soldiers, 10 Euro - Reduced for primary school students
Information / Reservations: +357 22 348 203.
From Friday, November 17, 2017
To Sunday, January 14, 2018