January, and with warm wishes for the New Year still being exchanged left, right and centre, the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and its select guest artists would like to invite you to join them in their celebratory concert to ring in 2017. With Danish composer Hans Christian Lumbye’s exuberant “Happy New Year!”, the senior Strauss’ seasonal polka, American composer Lee Henry Hoiby’s tasty opera “Bon Appetit!” (inspired by none other than the inimitable Julia Child) and, to round off the evening, a selection of songs from the two main exponents of Greek operetta, join us in ringing in the New Year, with the best of wishes for peace, happiness and prosperity to one and all!
Friday 20 January 2017, 20:30
Strovolos Municipal Theatre
Strovolos Avenue 100
Strovolos, Lefkosia, Cyprus
Ticket prices: 12 Euro, 7 Euro (young people 18-26 yrs, pensioners), 5 Euro (young people 12-18 yrs), 3 Euro (children under 12)
Ticket presales:
Rialto Theatre (Andrea Drousioti 19, Limassol 3040, Tel.: 7777 7745)
Online at www.rialto.com.cy
At the theatre Box Office 4 weeks before the concert day (Monday-Friday 10:00-13:00 and 17:00-19:00, Saturday 10:00-13:00) and on the concert day 1,5 hours before the concert
Strovolos Municipal Theatre (100 Strovolos Avenue, 2020 Strovolos, Tel.: +357 22 313 010)
Online at the CySO Foundation website: www.cyso.org.cy
At the Pallas Theatre box office, every Wednesday, 16:00-19:00
At the Strovolos Municipal Theatre box office on the concert day, 18:30-20:30
Information: +357 22 463 144, www.cyso.org.cy
H. C. LUMBYE: Happy New Year!
J. STRAUSS (sr): Neujahrs Polka, op. 199
L. HOIBY: Bon Appétit! - one-act opera
The two great composers of Greek Οperetta:
unforgettable songs by N. HADJIAPOSTOLOU and TH. SAKELLARIDES
Soloists: Maria Vlachopoulou (mezzo-soprano)
Katerina Andreou (soprano)
Andreas Zenios (baritone)
Director: Raia Tsakiridis
With the participation of Andreas Kavazis
Conductor: Andreas Tselikas
Supporters: Rialto Theatre, Limassol Municipality
Friday, January 20, 2017, 20:30