Carried by the whirling winds blowing along the shores of the Adriatic sea, BandAdriatica rows on the rough sea of traditional Salento music using Balkan and north African elements. It starts from the traditional brass bands usually playing at celebrations, funerals, parties, processions in Puglia, and traveling at night from town to town. The journey expands and looks at the Mediterranean Sea like at a complex “Babylon”, where all the languages begin to harmonize around the popular melodies in the mestizo fervour of the ports. The traditions of Puglia, more glowing than ever beyond the sea of origin, take on a new resonance, thus taking far away the frantic echoes of Salento’s music.
Heroes' Square
Lemesos, Cyprus
Free Entrance
10 years of investigation over the common musical origins of the Adriatic Sea’s shores (assimilating music from Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbian fanfares, North Africa) and stretching far out toward eastern Mediterranean regions (Turkey, Lebanon and Armenia in the cd “Babilonia”).
Salento’s music is being filtered through the new sensitivity of the band’s crew, after collaborating with artists such as Bombino, Mercan Dede, Rony Barrak, Savina Yannatou, Chieftains, Burhan Ochal, Kocani Orkestar, Boban Markovic Orchestra, Fanfara Tirana, Eva Quartet and Cafer Naziblas.
Claudio Prima: Organetto, vocals
Emanuele Coluccia: Alto sax
Andrea Perrone: Trumpet
Vincenzo Grasso: Clarinet, tenor sax
Gaetano Carrozzo: Trombone
Morris Pellizzari: Guitars, saz, kamalè ngonì
Giuseppe Spedicato: Bass
Ovidio Venturoso: Drums
Monday, July 17, 2017, 20:30