Young artists exchange ideas to create common innovative works of public art to be placed in Pafos. In collaboration with other European Capitals of Culture ten young artists living in European, Asian and Middle Eastern cities will get the chance to explore new means of communication and issues of personal and collective interest. The artists will work in pairs (initially long-distance) on paintings, sculptures, new media, installations and architecture united by the common feature of public art. The artists will then meet to finalise and present their projects which will permanently be displayed in public places in Pafos.
Participating artists: Christoph Mugge (Germany), Violetta Ivanova (Bulgaria), Ivana Radovanovic (Montenegro), Kazuhiro Yajima (Japan), Klitsa Antoniou (Cyprus), Fatma Nur Ozugul (Cyprus), Mina Nasr (Egypt), Giacomo Zaganelli (Italy), Zhong Wang (China), Elwira Wojtunik (Hungary), Popesz Caaba Lang (Poland).
Geroskipou Square
Geroskipou, Pafos, Cyprus
Cost: Free
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
From Saturday, April 01, 2017
To Sunday, April 30, 2017