You are cordially invited at Artai Studio for the art exhibition of Ioanna Voskou, with unique clock paintings.
Artai Studio
33 Promachon Eleftherias Street
Lemesos 4103, Cyprus
Opening Day Wednesday 21st of December at 20:00
Further opening days and hours:
Thursday 22/12/16, 16:00 -18:00
Friday 23/12/16 , 16:00 - 18:00
Saturday 24/12/16, 10:00 - 13:00.
Phone: +357 99 560 177
web: www.ioannavoskou.com
Artist's statement:
I was never good with words. Painting is my way of expressing my feelings and to communicate with the viewer. A way to express my point of view, an attempt to create various feelings to the observer of my work, and a way to invade and create new emotions to other souls.
From Wednesday, December 21, 2016
To Saturday, December 24, 2016