George and Margaret leave home's safety for participating a voluntary program at the desert of Arizona close to Mexican borders. Their aim is to guard and protect the borders and be aware of neighbors /invaders.
Under the hot sun, the two middle aged heroes won’t face just the invaders of the desert. They will have to deal with the desert of their relationship, their consciousness and their life.
Directors: Parasita
Translation: Maria Chatziemmanouil
Costume/Set designer: Lydia Mandridou
Lighting designer:Karolina Spyrou
Sound designer: Antonis Antoniou
Casting: Elisavet Konstantinidou,Costas Kazakas
In the yard of Xenopoulos’ Shoe Factory next to the round about of Kokkinotrimithia, Ioustinianou 7-7A, Kokkinotrimithia,
Lefkosia, Cyprus
Free Entrance
Parental Guidance: 12+
All shows commence at 19:15
Website: www.kypria.org.cy
Reservations are necessary. Tel: +357 286 544
Friday, September 29, 2017, 19:15
To Saturday, September 30, 2017