Kypriaki gonia presents the latest work of Andros Efstathiou "Cyprus Mosaic in time - The need of nostalgia" at Gallery Kypriaki Gonia.
Gallery Kypriaki Gonia
45 Stadiou Street
Larnaka 6020, Cyprus
Phone: +357 24 621 109
Website: www.gallerykypriakigonia.com.cy
Opening Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00 & 16:30 - 19:30
Andros Efstathiou
"I always believed that quality art happens only at the specific time of its creation; not before, when it is only in the thought but also not later, when it is a finished creation ... .''»
Andros Efstathiou chooses this moment- front in need of nostalgia and a respite painting of course -to approached with great sensitivity the world of Cyprus. He hears, sees, listens, thinks and paints. This need to return to the past was born through his visits to the museums of Cyprus. Five monumental paintings are sufficiently able to unfold the soul deposit, where in excess sensitivity and respect reflects Cyprus. Here the story unfolds the popular culture of Cyprus landscape with stalks and trees. But how can reproduce the past in two-dimensional form; The artist selects painted traditional folk motives, mosaics, carved scenes, archaic clay figurines and other forms of the ancient world and the younger folk culture, which in conjunction with the plant world (spikes, trees, plants) depicts a multi-layered compositions. Openings and levels in the field suggest the need of boxing topics coexisting in a world of fantasy and dream. Remaining an artist of the thumbnail and the colour identity chooses consciously to escape for a while from standard movements and trends. The colour uniformity without acrobatics and extremes based on the colours that characterize Cyprus. Faced with the necessity of nostalgia, the artist's paintings reconstruct what was developing a surreal world completely personal.
The Andros Efstathiou was born in Larnaca of Lapithou in 1964. During the period from 1989 to 1994 he studied in New York at the New York Studio School in Richwood Art Institute. After completing his return to Cyprus. On 2004 study obtained the MA Fine Arts toy Northampton University.
He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions. 2n 2002 he participated in the Biennale of Alexandria and the Florence Biennale. November 2016 has been selected in the top 60 international artists of mvvo art, Jury includes, Sotheby’s, Christie’s collectrium, Gagosian Gallery, Art net….. In 2005 he was invited by the University of Leeds where he made seminar work and taught during his stay.
Dr. Antonia Loizou
Art Historian
Andros Efstathiou
Country & Birth: Greek Cypriot, born Cyprus 1964
Studied in New York Studio School, then at the Cyprus College of Art, and Northampton University. He taught at the Cyprus College of Art for almost 14 years, and was a visiting tutor at Leeds University. He represented Cyprus at the Alexandria Biennale and participated at the Florence Biennale.
In June 2013 he caused an international media storm by placing unauthorized art installation of 20 tombstone toilets outside of the central bank of Cyprus in protest of the European Union and international monetary funds’ imposed austerity on Cyprus. See Google search ''Andrea’s Efstathiou protest''.
Born in March 1964 Cyprus
Ridgewood art institute
New York Studio School
Cyprus College of Art
MA Northampton University
2003 - 2016 teaches at the Cyprus College of Art
2012 Visiting professor at Leeds University
1994 New York Studio School New York
1996 Morfi Gallery, Limassol
1998 Morfi Gallery, Limassol
1999 Argo Gallery, Nicosia
2000 Morfi Gallery, Limassol
2001 Hellenic Centre, London
2002 Morfi Gallery, Limassol
2004 Morfi Gallery, Limassol
2004 Art fair Moscow. He was represented by Olympia Art Gallery
2005 Kypriaki Gonia Gallery, Larnaka
2006 Apocalypse Gallery, Nicosia
2007 Morfi Gallery, Limassol
2008 Kypriaki gonia Gallery, Larnaka
2009 Apocalypse Gallery, Nicosia
2010 Morfi Gallery, Limassol
2013 Morfi Gallery Limassol
Group exhibitions
Andros Efstathiou has participated in many group exhibitions including:
Alexandria Biennale (Selected by the Ministry of education Cyprus)
Florence Biennale (Selected by the Biennale)
Portico gallery London
The University of Cyprus
Municipality Gallery, Limassol
Art Fair Nicosia
Thessaloniki Greece
November 1st-25. He is participating in the top 60 international artists of mvvo art at the national arts club of New York. (Jury includes: Sotheby’s, Christie’s, Collectrium, Gagosian Gallery, Artnet…)
State gallery of Cyprus,
Lucia and Michalakis Zambellas Museum Cyprus
Ministry of education
Central Bank of Cyprus
Telecommunications of Cyprus
Bank of Cyprus
And many others
Four Touches by En tipois, Contemporary Cypriot art, 2004
Andros Efstathiou, Untitled, Author Andros Efstathiou, 2010
New York Arts Magazine
Drawing (space, form and expression) Prentice Hall
PMSA. Public Monuments Sculpture Association. London (Circumspice, Newsletter 47: Winter 2013)
From Friday, December 16, 2016
To Monday, January 16, 2017