Family adventure musical - fairy tale.
Only a couple of years ago this unique 3D musical became famous outside Russia.
Now, “Alice in Wonderland” goes on tour in Europe: from the Baltic till Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Glasses protect eyes from tiredness and submerge the audience in the world of childhood fantasies and colored dreams.
A legendary book “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll changed “the world of literature”. And the show of production centre “TRIUMPH” places its mark in the genre and changes the view of musicals.
This thrilling, musical, full of adventure and transformation is a story of a talented girl who travels through the mirror to the world of show business.
On a stormy path to success, our heroine has to discover all thorns and roses of popularity and meet amazing characters. The spectators have to guess who is in front of them, would it be an all -familiar Caroll’s White Rabbit or a celebrity from the cover of a glossy magazine.
But making a dream come true and becoming “a star”, Alice realizes all the glory and her new elite circle will not replace friendship, love, sincerity and kind intimate relationships.
Everyone will be excited and amazed by this show. Due to bright costumes, virtual scenery and high-tech 3D glasses, Wonderland seems real and tangible. Children are captivated by a fabulous fairytale atmosphere and intriguing plot, adults are conquered by the impact of modern stage. And of course, inspiring musical performances, which become hits, touch everyone’s heart.
Pattihio MunicipalTheater
Agias Zonis 6
Lemesos 3027, Cyprus
Phone: +357 25 377 277
Website: www.pattihio.com.cy
Tickets: 80 Euro, 70 Euro, 60 Euro, 50 Euro, 40 Euro
Sunday, October 14, 2018, 12:00