A music tribute to “rembetiko” Greek song of 30s – 40s with Sotiris Karageorgis, Stelios Cacoyannis and Evagoras Karageorgis, for two evenings at Technopolis 20, on Friday, 23rd of December and on Wednesday, 28th of December at 20:00.
Technopolis 20
18 Nikolaou Nikolaidi Avenue
Pafos 8010, Cyprus
Website: www.technopolis20.com
Entrance: 8 Euro
Reservations necessary at 7000 2420.
After the Asia Minor Catastrophe of 1922, the Greek folk song, grafted by the colors and perfumes of Smyrna composers, took an unprecedented rise. Many composers / songwriters and many different musical styles developed. Everyone in his own way, put his own stamp on tunes, rhythms and lyrics, creating a primary musical material that has nothing to envy from the music of the same period in America or Europe.
The decades of 1930 to 1940 will give some of the most beautiful songs of the century. In this material will later step on Theodorakis, Xarchakos and Hadjidakis, to continue to other levels of the Greek music miracle.
Within the range of these two decades we will listen songs written by: Toundas, Papaioannou, B. Papazoglou Chatzichristos, Vamvakaris, Genitsaris, Skarvelis, Bagianteras, Roukounas, Ntalgkas, Bakalis, Tsitsanis and Mitsakis.
A few words about the musicians
Sotiris Karageorgis known musician, teacher and composer in the area of Paphos and Cyprus in general. Through his personal work, the collective of musical work and years of presence in the field of choral music and artistic Greek song enjoys a significant musical presence.
Evagoras Karageorgis musician, teacher and composer, has worked intensely with the Cypriot music but also the Greek music. He has written classical music, music for theatre and television and has made several concerts with his own musical compositions and songs.
Stelios Cacoyannis was a student but also for decades a constant music collaborator and performer of Sotiris Karageorgi’s songs and other composers. He features distinctive, mellow and soulful voice, along with his great experience in Greek music.
Friday, December 23, 2016, 20:00