The Pierides Museum - Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and the Phivos Stavrides Foundation - Larnaka Archives cordially invite you to the exhibition "A dialogue with Primeval Clay" by Nina Iakovou.
The exhibition will be held at the Pierides Museum Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and the Phivos Stavrides Foundation - Larnaka Archives.
The exhibition will be inaugurated by the Mayor of Larnaka Andreas Vyras.
Short presentation by Dr Demetra Papanikola - Bakirtzi, Director of the leventis Municipal Museum.
The Pierides Museum - Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and the Phivos Stavrides Foundation
4 Zenon Kitieos
6023 Larnaka, Cyprus
Phone: +357 24 145 375
Friday, March 31, 2017, 19:30
To Friday, May 26, 2017