At the 9th Annual Conference & Exhibition - Aromatic & Healing Herbs of Cyprus in Platres, we will travel again this year in the world of nature and we will learn many things about the 8 most important herbs that have existed in Cyprus since antiquity. Herbs that inspired our ancestors, the way they used them and what is their importance today for our health.
Platre's Cultural Centre
Platres Hill Resort
Troodos Mountain, Cyprus
Saturday 6th of May 2017
11:00 - Botanical walk in cooperation with the Cyprus Herb Society
Starting point: Platre's Cultural Centre
17:00 - Opening of the Herbal exhibition
17:10 - MedFest-Interreg-Med-Project-Med Culinary Heritage Experiences
How to create sustainable tourist destinations
17:30 - Crocus cyprius & Crocus veneris
17:45 - Rosa Chionistrae
18:00 - Cynara cardunculus & Cynara cornigera - Wild Artichoke
18:15 - Linum usitatissimun
18:30 - Papaver rhoeas & Papaver segiterum
19:00 - Closing of the seminar.
All the presentations on Saturday will be in English.
Sunday 7th of May 2017
10:30 - Herbs in ancient Cypriot poetry
10:45 - Crocus cyprius: Κρόκος ο Κύπριος
11:00 - Crocus veneris: Κρόκος της Αφροδίτης
11:15 - Rosa Chionistrae: Ροδί της αγριοτριανταφυλλιάς
11:30 - Viola Sieheana: Άγρια βιολέτα
11:45 - Narcissus Tazetta: Νάρκισσος άγριο μιτσικίριδο
12:00 - Papaver rhoeas &Papaver segiterum: Μήκων η ροϊάς - Παπαρούνα
12:15 - Cynara cardunculus & Cynara cornigera: Άγριες αγκινάρες
12:30 - Linum usitatissimun: Λινάρι το χρησιμότατο
10:00-19:00 - Exhibition and market of Herbs, Herbal & Organic products and craft - inside the Platre's Cultural Centre.
From Saturday, May 06, 2017
To Sunday, May 07, 2017