The 3rd International Festival for Young Poets, @ the First Step, 2018, between 2 – 4 November 2018 (both dates included) will host 9 established poets and 1 musician from abroad, 4 established poets from Cyprus and about 25 young emerging poets (to whom an open Invitation has already been sent to).
Yfantourgeio Book Club (3 and 4 November)
67 – 71 Lefkonos street, 1011, Lefkosia, Cyprus
Phone : +357 99 409 900
Start time/End time*:
Saturday: arrival: 17.00, start: 17.30
Sunday: 16.00
The Festival is an open stage, that encourages the young and emerging to present their creative identity.
Young poets, aged 15 – 30, talented, brave, with powerful language, clear vision, everyone from his / her own starting point, will have the opportunity to present their first writings to an audience, but also to established poets in Cyprus and abroad.
They will participate in open discussions titled ‘first routes in poetry’, where established poets from Cyprus and abroad will share their experiences.
These writers of these poems of innocence, that may not have travelled far from schools writing notebooks, will be published, for the first time, in a trilingual anthology – original language, Greek and English -, that will include all participants.
3 days, from Friday 2 November (date of arrival and of the Welcoming Dinner) until Sunday, 4 November, inclusive
37 poets; 8 from abroad and the others have their base in Cyprus
Poetry Competition Award Ceremony; the competition and the Award ceremony organised by the English Language Department of the University of Cyprus
Open to the public Discussions; in Greek and English
Excursion, sight seeing and lunch in Larnaca
Performance with the poet Nora Gomringer and Philipp Scholz (Germany)
•Welcoming Dinner
•Visit Larnaca in a bus, sightseeing and lunch
Afternoon (late) – Yfantourgeio Book Club, Nicosia
•‘First Routes in Poetry’, open to the public discussion in Greek
•Readings with projected translations
Afternoon (early) – Yfantoyrgeio Book Club, Nicosia
•Poetry Competition Award Ceremony – English Language Dpt, University of Cyprus
•Readings with projections of translations
•Performance by the poet Nora Gomringer and the musician Philipp Scholz (Germany)
Organiser Contact Details
Lily Michaelides
2 Tenedou street, Lefkosia
Phone: +357 99 577 006
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nora Hadjisotiriou
14 Naxos street, 1070 Lefkosia
Phone: +357 99 678 132
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From Saturday, November 03, 2018
To Sunday, November 04, 2018