In an experimental stage of history,defined the ancient technique and remaking Bronze Age pottery found in Cyprus.
Coordinating by : Andreas Fasoulides professional ceramist and teacher with the assistance of the ERASMUSINTERN interns.
The workshop is under the auspices of www.cyprusceramicassociation.com with the support of Geroskipou Municipality .
Ceramic experimental laboratories,
Studying and sketching Bronze age pottery in Cyprus
Visit the archaeological sites and Museums .
Remaking Bronze Age pottery.
Traditional workshop.
To Revive and Promote Cyprus ancient culture,
To enrich and develop the interest in the cultural heritage of Cyprus,
To create opportunities for young researchers to work and have an experience with experts of experimental archaeology and professional ceramicists,
To explore and discover the technique of remaking ancient ceramic .
Who may participate:
Anyone who likes to learn how to remake Bronze Age pottery.
Interns and ceramicists under ERASMUSINTERN ,
Ceramic and Archaeological researchers.
From Monday, August 14, 2017
To Friday, September 15, 2017